Friday, May 16, 2008

Not a baby

WG is growing up. Sometime in the past few months she has morphed from toddler to little girl / preschooler. Physically she's looked like a little girl since before she turned three. WG has always been very very tall. Currently she is just shy of 43 inches tall which puts her at the 50th percentile for a FIVE year old. WG will not turn four until August. Someone asked her how old she was yesterday and she told them that she was five. They said, "Wow! She's tall!" Then I told them that she was three. (For anyone wondering, her weight is doing well. She is still a skinny mini but is at an appropriate weight for her height.) But it's more than her size. She knows how to write letters, how to spell our last name, we've "caught" her reading. Of course, with new skills she is a total turkey and won't ever let on that she knows how to do anything. (Mom, I can hear you laughing all the way from Northern WI. What can I say, she is my kid....) Someone asked her what her name was the other day and she replied with both her first and last name and then spelled her last name. When I asked her to do it later she grinned and said, "PRNULB."

Her intrests have changed as well. She is doing a lot of imagination play with her blue babies, aka the Russian stacking dolls that our friends brought back from their trip home. I broke down this week and put together a sewing box for her. I was tired of fighting her for straight pins. She loves to "sew." While I sew she sits near me on the floor pinning scraps of fabric together to make anything from a blanket for her friend to a jacket for the cat. These projects always require many many pins. WG is very pleased with her sewing box which includes pins, a tape measure, a hem marker, buttons, a zipper, some elastic, a bunch of really wild fabric that she picked from the remnant bin, etc. She did inform me, though, that she needed her own sewing machine. I told her we'd consider it when she could sit in a chair and have her feet touch the floor.

Along with the sewing notions, I gave her some beads and string. What a hit. I had forgotten that girls can sit for a looooong time making jewelry out of beads, embroidery thread, etc. We have many beautiful necklaces to show for her efforts.

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